title>Ultima Nerf
Ultima Nerf

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Nerf Modification for Dummy's: by PCmadness
It is commonly posted among all forums for help concerning the modification of a blaster. Most blasters have write ups and can be searched for using the search function. But what about those selected few blasters that don't have a write up? People who have one of those selcted blasters almost always post a new thread asking for help on how to mod it. Well I'd like to see them try something on their own, but most of america is lazy today. Anyways onto the article.
We first must determine if your gun is a spring or air powered gun. If it has a pump and airtank/bladder, its a pump gun. A spring gun is generally a gun in which the user cocks the gun for each shot, it has a plunger tube. We must also determine if the gun has any potential or if its even moddable. Open your gun up for starters and check out the internals. See how it works, get to know it in a way. Check its plunger/tank size. If it has a small plunger, generally anything below 4 inches then its a fairly weak gun and won't get much range after being modified. Same with an air rank, if its smaller than about 1x1 then it too won't get much range. All of these are key factors in determining if it has potential or not. Another side note any gun air or spring that shoots a larger projectile such as an arrow or missle will most likely have a larger air output than most guns so that the larger ammo gets the same distance as a normal dart shooting gun would get.
You also need to decided whether you will want to shoot stefans or stock darts. If you wish to shoot stock darts then simply pull any air restrictors out that are in the way e.i. pegs for stock darts, and little exhaust type plastic peices that air must get around instead of going straight out. If you wish to shoot stefans you will probably want to do a bit more of modification.
I feel the foundation of all mods lies in four key things.

1. Opening the gun and checking it out.
2. Removing air restrictors
3. Selecting a barrel for your gun.
4. Testing your gun and then troubleshooting for errors.

Opening the gun and removing air restrictors is pretty self-explanatory. However barrel selection is the key to almost all mods. The barrel you choose should be to your liking and how your darts fit. I highly suggest reading cxwq's article over at haven for more information on barrel selection. Now to the length of your barrel, it all depends on the size of the tank/plunger. You wouldn't want a 4 inch barrel on a crossbow or vise versa a 10 inch barrel on NF. Be reasonable when it comes to determining the length. If its too long then simply cut some off until its to your liking. If its too short then cut a peice that is about 3-4 inches longer so you have room for more error, it will most likely be too long then you can simply cut some off. There is one step in the foundation that applies to pump guns and pump guns only. Plugging the release valve on the pump. All nerf pump guns have a pump with a small hole at the end. This is called an air release valve. It limits the pressure in the tank when the gun is stock(its there for safety measures). Simply place a dab of hot glue in there and you can achieve a higher pressure in the tank, which is key to modding a pump gun. After plugging the pump you should see anywere from a 25-50 percent increase in range. Just stick to about 4-5 pumps though. Anything more and you danger yourself and your gun as the airtank can explode. There is one exception in plugging pumps as well. Bladder guns such as the PC, WF, and ,RF20 do not require pumps to be plugged as there power is stored in a bladder that will delfate like a balloon when being shot. However it still suggested that air restrictors be removed from these guns.
I hope this article will help noobs who are new to nerfing and want to be part of the NIC. Just follow these step and you should be able to mod non- writen guns in no time. If you have any questions about modding a gun or unsure of some of the things mentioned in this article then jsut shoot me PM.