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Ok, lets be honest with ourselves here. The Maverick (we'll call it mav) is basically a Tek 6 that looks much better. The range is a little better, the ROF virtually the same, everything is nearly the same except for the revolver like piece on the Mav. Now, honestly, having used this gun in a war allready can help me to tell you there needs to be a mod to increase this things range. Virtually every round I was rushing only, no staying back, just go straight in and nail them. And honestly I have never used a gun better suited for this than the mav. But at the same time, the lack of range ever hurt me when rushing simply because if you were far enough away you could get away 1 or 2 aimed shots before they would get you just because you were so close. The mavs primary function is ROF. Simply put, you don't get much range, you get some accuracy, and you get a wickedly fast firing gun. If I had to say who it doesn't suit, I would have to say anyone who isn't pretty fit, and anyone who exclusively stays back and either supports or just snipes at the opposing team. Probably the second biggest problem with this gun is its size. This gun absouluteley can not be your primary in any large war. Yet, the only way you will ever be able to use it as a secondary (which it is perfectly designed to be) is if you make some kind of holder, because even my cargo pants couldn't hold the thing. My other small complaint is the fact that the reload time is actually pretty long. You get off 6 really fast shots, but then have a 10+ second reload time due to the awkward mechanism.
Range: 20-25 ft. ROF: 6 shots in 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 seconds. Overall: 7 out of 10