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Yet again one of the worst guns in the universe. Shot 4 feet out of the box. Now it shoot 50+ with micro stefans, and 35+ with micros. Very simple mod too. Just open the gun up and plug the release valve which is the little hole at the end of the pump with hot glue. If you don't know what this is email me because I forgot to take a pic. The best thing about this mod is its simplicity. Simply cut the barrel right below the holes. Then take as long a piece of CPVC as you want with enough electric tape around it so that it fits snugly in the barrel. Here is a close up of the barrel. Glue the barrel airtight and put some electrical or duct tape for support.

Ok this next part is optional. If you do this it will make the gun look better, make it smaller, and make it so you need less pumps.
Ok so first with the gun closed, remove the tank. Now cut the vinyl tubing right to the actual gun. Now hotglue where the vinyl tubing was and a small hole to the right of it. It looks like nothing but it actually will greatly improve how well the pump works.

And here is an overall view of the gun. You now have an actually pretty good sidearm that gets over 50 ft. a shot.

Mod by Steven Roughton