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After seeing the many bna mods that are out there I decided to do one for UN. I hold absouluteley no claim to creating this mod outside of one single part.
Anyhow. As you can see from the pic above, thats what my BnA looked like before I fully modded it. This is what it looks like after applying the barrel.

As you can see the barrel is cut down to about 3/4 of an inch. I fitted the 1/2 in. SCH. 80 PVC around the barrel for about a centimeter using a dremel. Then I hotglued and taped for support. My barrel is about a foot long. Here is a terrible pic of the point where the original and new PVC barrel connect. And no, the barrel is not bent. The PVC not only increased the range with megas but also, after sanding a CPVC barrel a little bit, shoots micros very good distances. I opted out of this though because I have plenty of unused stock and stefans that are megas.

The one thing I do hold as my own idea, (at least as far as I know)is using 1/2 in. FBR (foam backer rod) and 3/8 in. FBR to silence the gun. How I did this was by putting the 1/2 in. on the gun itself. I used a vice and pulled the gun up with on hand, while hot gluing and then apply the allready pre-cut 1/2 in. FBR. Let that dry for about a full minute and make sure it is not glued in anyway to the actual plunger piece. Then after that I basically did the same thing to the handle except with 3/8 in. FBR. Now, not only is this gun really good, but it's quiet too. Also, I put on bungee cords to increase power.(not included in pic)

Overall this gun is alot better. Probably the single most improved thing is its more quiet release when the plunger is hitting the gun. Not to mention much improved ranges.
Range average: 69.9 ft. (just as a note, with mega stefans it's more like 75 ft.

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