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Well yet another substandard gun. I found this lying on the top of a dresser about an hour ago and here we are allready. This is a very simple but effective gun under some circumstances. I don't have the ammo storage unit in the pics because at the moment I can't find it. The first thing I did was cut the lip off the barrel and put on the SCH 40 1/2 in. PVC with hotglue, epoxy or contact cement (also known as PVC cement)will work fine. CPVC will also work for a barrel. Also, I drilled out the hole in the back of the barrel, to as big as I could, be careful though not to drill through the back of the barrel.

Another thing I did, because I didn't like the recoil from the plunger, I coiled half around the barrel 1/2 in. FBR (foam backer rod) and then after gluing and taping that I added 3/8 in. FBR halfway around the barrel again, which melted to the 1/2 in. FBR and then taped.

Then gun gets close to 60 feet flat with sawed off mega stefans and is relatively accurate, though not incredibly. This gun gets a very long distance shot when angled, more than the usual gun. Also you may notice the homemade handle in place of the belt clip. Mine broke so I just put together 2 pieces of wood, jammed it where the belt clip went, and ducted/electric taped.

Mod by Steven Roughton. We want to know what you think, post your comments in the forum or E-Mail us here.